Tuesday 16 April 2013

The Archipelago/ Keeping in contact

After visiting Mike at The Archipelago and getting on really well with him, I decided it was probably a good idea to stay in contact, as he did mention I could ask him for help at any time. I sent him an email to see if he could suggest any other studios I could contact to also go and see.

He gave me some good advice and tried his best to help. He kept telling me to stay in contact which has given me a lot of confidence in doing exactly that and taking the opportunity to go and see him again when I have a portfolio together that im proud of.

I was very interested in what Mike was working on and was sure to ask him if he was working on anything interesting or exciting at the moment. It was important for me to show him I was interested in him, his work and his studio, because he showed a lot of interest in me. I was building a very strong bridge!

Its good to know what hes been up to and what he'll be working on as it gives me an insight into the types of briefs professionals can get up to.

I emailed Mike just before Christmas to see if it was possible to go and see him in the New Year with a portfolio of work. I wanted to go back and show him what I could really do.

Of course he said yes and told me to get in touch in the New Year to sort something out!

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