Monday, 10 October 2011

Enterprise and Innovation: Value// what are you worth?..

- Why do people need the creative industry?
- What is the value of our creativity?

- Drucker: 'Innovation is the tool of  entrepreneurship.'

' Creativity is a process by which culture is changed'

- Mihaly:

'Creativity is the act of seeing things that everyone else sees whilst making connections that no one else has made.'

- Creatives help to interpret the world and help others see it in a different way.

- Philip Cotler:

- C: Creating
- C: Communicating
- D: Delivering
- V: Value
- T: To a target market
- P: At a profit

- Project management: Creating value
- Brand management: Communicating value
- Customer management: Delivering value

- Open technology, open innovation
- A brand is a promise, it should inspire everything you do, practically and emotionally.

- Co creating with customers means you get to know your target market and find out what they really want and need. By working closely with your customers you can find out what they love and what makes them tick.

- Creatives are people who collabrate with other creates to get the most out of what they want to achieve, its an open source.

- As people and living in an ever evolving society our needs have actually not changed that much from 10s of thousands of years ago. We still need food, water, sleep, shelter, all basic needs in order for us to survive.

- We need each other to socialise with and co operate with, we work together and thrive as we cannot do it alone.

- We do have symbols of heirarchy though so represent our social status, simple things like office door signs, the clothes we wear or even where we buy our food. These are all symbols to show heirarchy status. Its like animals in many ways, the deer with the biggest antlers would be alpha etc.

- We also have spiritual needs, we have to constantly challenge ourselves, whether it be climbing a mountain or becoming part of a religion, it is for our personal satisfaction.

- Maslow's heirarchy of need:

1: Pyhsiological: These needs are essential to our survival// breathing, food, water, sex, sleep

2: Safety: We have a need to feel safe and comfortable// security of our bodies, family, morality,health

3: Love/ Belonging: We need that sense of belonging// friendship, family, sexual intamacy

4: Esteem: We need to feel like we can do anything// self esteem, confidence, achievement, respect

5: Self actualization: This is more spiritual// morality, creativity, problem solving

- Design is applied psychology
- Engineering is applied science
- Art is applied philosophy

- An important value to have is to be forever useful and entertaining, keep telling people why you are useful, dont lose your place, stay at the top of your game, keep delivering with useful ideas, stay interesting in peoples minds.

- Where is the money?
// Greatest human needs = greatest market potential: food industry, housing, medicine, transport
// Reduced human needs = lower market potential: organic farming, health spas, luxury sports car

- Value propositions:
// Short, specific, customer language, passing the seat of the pants test.

- Value proposition definition:

A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered and a belief from the customer of value that will be experienced. A value proposition can apply to an entire organization, or parts thereof, or customer accounts, or products or services.

- Specific aims: These set out the difference you hope to make// Outcomes.
- Objectives: These set out how we plan to go about achieving our aims// Output.

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