Sunday, 23 October 2011

Enterprise and Innovation: Study task 4// Who else is out there? How good are they?..


Based on the principles that you have been introduced to so far in the enterprise module and your responses to the previous tasks, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of three practitioners or design agencies as objectively as you can.

What opportunities for your own practise have revealed themselves to you as a result of this evaluation and analysis?

In responding to this task you will need to consider the following questions:

Who am I competing against?
What do they offer?
What makes me better?
What makes me different?



what we do

Since we started in 1994 we’ve created over
60 brand identities, over 1,000 items of literature,
and gazillions of packs, written 27 brand strategies,
32 marketing strategies, a hell of a lot of words,
designed & built over 100 websites, art directed
over 1,000 photoshoots, shot many 1,000's of
high definition images in our photographic studio,
written, designed & produced 140 press ads and
have directed & produced our first
cinema commercial.

I came across BigFish when I was looking at a box of Clippers tea, BigFish had designed their packaging which was stated on the bottom of the box. So I decided to Google them, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the clients that they had worked with and the awards that they have won. The above piece of information states what they have achieved so far. I think that in terms of branding and identity they have produced some very successful pieces of design, in a style that I am inspired by.

One of many of their strengths is the variety of services that they offer, which reflects through the vast scope of different clients they have worked with. By offering innovative design services for well known brands, gives them a good reputation and will allow new opportunities to rise from this, for them.

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