Tuesday 17 April 2012

Image// Rationale: 2D to 3D to 2D..

Brief// (What is the problem you intend to solve?)

Use the 2D image I have drawn and turn it into 3D using photography to record the final piece.

Who needs to know?// (Who is your audience? Be concise no more than ten words)

Fashion or textile students (knitting students).

What do they need to know?// (Be clear and specific)

They will need to know what the object is conveying and be able to see what the object is.

Why do they need to know?// (The concept for your problem)

They will need to know and understand what I am communicating.

What will they respond to?// (How will they connect/ understand the outcome?)

They will respond to the recorded 3D object.

What research is required?// (What do you need to know in order to complete this brief to the fullest potential?)

- How to unravel a glove, but still know what it is.
- Take pictures of gloves.

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