Monday, 12 November 2012

Crit feedback 24th October

Here is the feedback for the last peer crit. I received a lot of really helpful feedback. I have already applied some of the feedback to my work and I am looking at the rest to see how I can use it to develop my work.

We were told to sit in groups after the big crit and discuss pieces of feedback that we agreed and disagreed with.

The one piece I disagreed with was about the name of my chocolate brand, someone has put that they dont think the name works. I have dismissed this piece of feedback as the person failed to give me a valid reason and offered me no alternative. The reason for the name of my name for the chocolate brief was outlined in initial idea generation.

The piece of feedback that I found very useful and quite motivating was about the orange chocolate packaging. They said that the pattern on the box didnt work as well as the die cutting I had used on the mint packaging. I had a lot of positive feedback on the mint die cut packaging which I am very pleased about.

Peer group feedback 24/10/12

I think my crit went ok, to be honest I didnt have as much work with me as I should of which probably didnt help. Because I had only really started one brief properly and had a rough concept for the others, I didnt get as much constructive feedback as I could of, due to my own fault.

From this feedback I have begun to make changes to my designs so what feedback I did get has been helpful.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Group Tutorial Feedback/ Wednesday 10th October

Group Tutorial Feedback

Rationale Comments

- Included main focus of branding and briefs seem to keep you right on track
- Branding and identity, image based
- Clear and focused for consistent portfolio
- Make it obvious who you are
- Seem to be conveying a broad skills set but its all related
- A lot of 'specialties', too many?

Statement of intent comments

-  Week by week plan will help get everything done
- Clear week by week plan
- Clear deadline for each brief?
- Print considerations

Briefs comments

- Range of briefs means you wont get bored and will be applying different skills
- How can you take the Puffin brief further to make it more substantial?
- VW Beetle brief, could you make the brief slightly bigger? Consider the whole campaign
- VW Beetle brief sound like a good integration of illustration, type and layout and publication skills
- Puffin brief maybe expand to a range of books, in store displays etc
- Like the VW Beetle brief, how to expand?

The feedback from this tutorial has been very helpful, a lot of the comments made about the briefs, I have actually thought about and they are written in my briefs, although some extra suggestions have been made that I will take into consideration.

Monday, 8 October 2012

BAGD 06 Self Promotion

We were told to bring in our current business card and a promotional piece and stick it on the wall for everyone to see. I put up my current business card and creative CV. The standard of work put up was amazing! Everyones self promotion will develop throughout the year to an even greater standard. I know that mine needs working quite a bit.

This is my current Creative CV that I put up. I am currently writing a brief linked to Design Practice OUGD301 to develop my self promotion into something original and exciting.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

A bit about the big D

I thought it would be useful for me to write a bit about my dissertation so I know where I am at with it.

I have changed my initial "title" from my first proposal as I found something that I was much more interested in. My initial proposed title was:

How does brands and advertising effect consumerism?

I changed from this as I felt it was too broad and I wasn't really sure how I could narrow it down into something I would be interested in and that I would be able to write thousands of words on. I received feedback for this idea which was good feedback but still decided to change my proposal to something I would enjoy writing about.

I have changed my proposal to "Does sex sell in advertising?" or in other words.

I want to research into how advertisers use sex as a selling point and whether or not it works, I found an interest in this after me and my boyfriend both bought the new Lynx (for men and women) as the advert said it would make us irresistible to one another. We bought it as a laugh to mock the advert, but truth be told we both smelt amazing.

I want to look into whether the product works or whether the fact the advert had told us that we would feel this way after using the product. How do advertisers do it? 

My feedback for this idea is as follows:

"I can't see any problem with developing that as a theme. Maybe you could find particular adverts and narrow it down further into different categories. Sex/seduction is still a very big theme. There will be subtleties at play within each advert that you can unpick and talk about. Think about your standpoint and motivations. Bring examples to discuss when we meet in September. There are lots of books about this to give you some theory to develop your interpretations. Deyan Sudjic's book - The language of things talks about how objects seduce us. This may link in with some of your ideas."

I have taken out several books from the college Library to support my research including:

insert book list

Studio Visit with Aidan Nolan at A.N.D

Hello Third and Final year!

Goodbye second year, it has been a pleasure but I must now brace myself for a fun and challenging year! One where I will work hard and try my best!

Before I start my third year journey I have a lot of prepping to do. I have a list as long as my arm and have only just decided to start blogging again (23/08/12). It has hit me that I need to get a move on and start to evaluate the progress I have made so far over summer and what I have left to do!

At the end of second year in my presentation I told about all of the things I would achieve over summer, of many I haven't done so yet. This included things like contacting loads of studios for visits and chats, work hard to save lots of money, get a good start on my dissertation research.

All I have achieved so far is a lot of thinking and not much doing.

So far I have taken out 6 books from the library for dissertation research, been to visit Aidan Nolan at A.N.D and I am currently organising 3 other visits. I have also started to do some personal projects, I enjoy making greetings cards but never spent much time on doing it, so I have been trying to make a few every week to keep my creative juices flowing. I am going to put these cards onto Etsy and hopefully sell a few.

The biggest highlight of my summer has to of been given a YCN Commendation Award for the collaboration I did with Lisa on Heinz Salad Cream! What a great achievement!

TA DA :D!!!!!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Graphic Design studios

1// The District, Cambridge

The Gatehouse

23- 25 Gwydir Street



Tel: 01223 305600

2// Bigfish, London

11 Chelsea Wharf

15 Lots Road


SW10 0QJ


Tel: 020 7795 0075

Victoria Sawdon: Design Director

3// SO Creative, London

443 New Cross Road


SE14 6TA

Tel: 020 8150 6726


Simon Oliver: Boss Man                                   

4// Glorious Creative Limited, Manchester

10A Stevenson Square


M1 1FB

Tel: 0161 237 3575


Jeff Edis// Managing Director

Mark Ross// Design Director

Tom Shaughnessy// Design Director

5// We Are Life, Manchester

12 Arley Avenue

West Didsbury


M20 2LQ

Tel: 0161 445 7759


Pete Ruane// Director

Helen Corr// Director

Chris Brown// Senior Designer

Martin Picha// Senior Developer

Mike Collins// Developer

6// Reluctant Hero, Newcastle

22 Pink Lane

Newcastle Upon Tyne


Tel: 0191 230 3030


7// Analogue, Leeds

City Mills

Peel Street


LS27 8QL

Tel: 0113 341 0330


Barry Darnell// Creative Director

Tez Humphreys// Senior Designer

Mike Johns// Mid- weight Designer

8// Vonsung, London                     

8B Huguenot Place


E1 5LJ

Tel: +44 207 375 1058


9// Sketchy Media, London

(Awaiting further contact details)

Matt Thorne// Boss Man

10// Bishbo, London

(Awaiting further contact details)

Jack Dixon// Founder

Olli Leivers// Founder

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Business card..

These are my initial ideas for my business card. I wanted to keep the design simple but still reflect my design approach.

I had them printed in on a silky stock. The other side is black and they have rounded edge as I quite like curved shapes. It is also different from standard business cards.

I was going to try and do square business cards but then realise that most people will put them in their wallets and purses and my cards may not fit. It would also mean it would cost more for me to print because couldnt do square ones.

These are my final business cards. I will probably revise the design over summer.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Creative CV

I wanted to keep my creative CV as simple as my business card design, keeping it black and white. I had this idea of paper crafting origami Cranes for my CV so they would be interactive.

I played around a lot with layout which isnt one of my strongest points. I didnt want the layout to be to fancy as the origami Crane would show off.

This is my final CV.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Designing a logo for myself..

As part of the PPD module we have been asked to brand ourselves. I need to design a logo that represents me and my work. My logo will have to be eye catching and pretty special, but it doesnt need to be complicated.

I have started playing around in Illustrator with ideas. I tried to think of things that relate to me, represent me or just things that I like. The main 3 things were the colour orange, circles and Century Gothic. So the first designs that I have done are combining these three visual elements.

My final logo is a k and a c put together as I am known as Kirsty Cave. The typeface I used is Arial Bold, I think it reflects me as its lower case and a rounded san serif typeface and I would say this shows my friendly and easy going personality.