I thought it would be useful for me to write a bit about my dissertation so I know where I am at with it.
I have changed my initial "title" from my first proposal as I found something that I was much more interested in. My initial proposed title was:
How does brands and advertising effect consumerism?
I changed from this as I felt it was too broad and I wasn't really sure how I could narrow it down into something I would be interested in and that I would be able to write thousands of words on. I received feedback for this idea which was good feedback but still decided to change my proposal to something I would enjoy writing about.
I have changed my proposal to "Does sex sell in advertising?" or in other words.
I want to research into how advertisers use sex as a selling point and whether or not it works, I found an interest in this after me and my boyfriend both bought the new Lynx (for men and women) as the advert said it would make us irresistible to one another. We bought it as a laugh to mock the advert, but truth be told we both smelt amazing.
I want to look into whether the product works or whether the fact the advert had told us that we would feel this way after using the product. How do advertisers do it?
My feedback for this idea is as follows:
"I can't see any problem with developing that as a theme. Maybe you could find particular adverts and narrow it down further into different categories. Sex/seduction is still a very big theme. There will be subtleties at play within each advert that you can unpick and talk about. Think about your standpoint and motivations. Bring examples to discuss when we meet in September. There are lots of books about this to give you some theory to develop your interpretations. Deyan Sudjic's book - The language of things talks about how objects seduce us. This may link in with some of your ideas."
I have taken out several books from the college Library to support my research including:
insert book list
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