Thursday, 28 April 2011

Speaking from experience..problem analysis: rationale 1...

The Brief: (what is the problem you intend to solve)

How to survive, deal with being a first year GD student- what to expect etc.

What do you need to communicate? (be clear and specific)

How to deal with the work load, what they can expect, the do's and dont's.

Why do they need to know? (the concept for your problem)

So they can be fully prepared for the year ahead.

What will they respond to? (will they see/ watch/ buy/ wearing it etc)

Info booklets with advice in, quirky posters, a blog site with information on, maps etc.

Where do they go? (how will they access/ recieve/ discover etc... the resolution)

I will design a graphic design first year 'survival kit/ guide' which they would receive at the start of the course.


Feedback on this rationale:

- Good idea
- helpful and relevant to new GD students, keeps inline with target audience
- maybe use humour to get info across
- hand out sweets

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