Friday, 18 March 2011

Communication is a virus... Crit two Friday 18th March...

The Crit

We had another crit with Jo and numerous points came up about our ideas so far.

- Should we be posing a question to our audience to try and get them motivated?
- Do we need to use a statement to get them motivated?
- Do we need to try and trigger guilt to motivate them or use a positive approach?
- Does there need to be additional information on our posters, such as advice on the poster content?
- We need to think about the colours we are going to use, for impact and legibility.
- We should look at self help books.
- How do we motivate people, what key technique can we use that would be effective?
- Could we put our designs onto objects such as t-shirts, tote bags and posters?
- Could we frame our posters to make them more valued than just a poster?
- How are we going to print our work, screen print, digital print etc?

With the feedback given i feel that as a group we need to discuss how we will apply the feedback to our idea in order to develop it. With the idea of focusing on the individuals needs rather than for a practical purpose, i think we need to decide what technqiue we are going to use, will we pose a question or include a statement to try and motivate the individual? It's important that we know how we are going to approach this.

With the designs that i had done, the feedback was that at the moment they were too practical and needed to have some kind of statement about running on it, like how running is good for you or why you should go running or to the gym. I think in terms of applying my designs to objects, it could work on t-shirts (because the inividual could wear it when they go running); water bottles (this is where i could design stickers to be stuck on things like this); gym bags (could use transfer paper to print onto a small gym bag).

I think it would be really nice to personalise out designs for our peers, hopefully it could actually help motivate them and give more to themselves.

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