Monday, 12 March 2012

Creative CV workshop// 6/3/12..

Today we had a workshop where we started to discuss creative CV's. We spoke about what a creative CV is and what should be included in a creative CV.

Creative CV's are a very important part of my practice because I will be sending my own creative CV out to studios that I either want to visit or I would like to gain a placement with them.

We were given a brief for the creative CV and a task to identify things about ourselves as designers and people that we could potentially add to our CV.

After the workshop we were told to start thinking about the things that we would include in our own creative CV. Here is what we had to do:

1// Identify 5 practical skills I have
2// Identify 5 creative skills I have
3// Identify 5 personal qualities I have
4// Identify 5 facts about myself
5// Write 5 statements about myself

I decided to tackle this task by first brain storming some ideas, I find it hard sometimes to think on the spot so it has taken a while for me to identify all of the things above. I also find it hard to 'big myself up', but I guess I have to have confidence in myself if I want to get a placement at an amazing studio!

Here are some of my initial ideas (it was hard to put some of them into the above categories):

- Self motivator (I can motivate myself and others)
- A laugh
- People person (I am good at talking with new people)
- Punctual (I am always on time)
- Helpful (I enjoy helping people)
- Friendly (I am easy to get on with)
- Approachable
- Love hand crafted design
- Good at paper crafting (I made 100 pairs of card glasses in first year)
- Comfortable with using Adobe Creative Suite
- I am conceptual
- I am good at idea generation
- I enjoy image based design (I enjoy photography, doodling, creating illustrative characters)
- Organised (Most of the time)
- I enjoy researching (If it is something that I am interested in)

These are my first initial ideas when we were set the task. Since then I have had the chance to really think about what I would want and need to put on my creative CV. There are really obvious things that would need to go onto my CV, like contact details including email, phone number and address.

We were told that it would be wise to make a new email address that is solely for design purposes, as this is more professional.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Enterprise and Innovation// END OF MODULE SELF EVALUATION..

1// What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have learnt many new skills throughout this module, the main thing that I have learnt is that starting your own business is hard work but achievable! After doing the business plan brief I feel like I now have a better understanding of what it takes to start up a business and for that business to be successful. Like researching, it has been so helpful to research within that particular brief, I found out how much things cost and all of the overhead costs which I wouldnt have thought of. Something that I have also developed which has been a good learning experience was working in a 3. We had a lot of ups and downs due to differences, but in the end we pulled it off. Working as a team has helped me to understand that not only cant you do things on your own when starting a business but also that differences arent a bad thing but instead a positive thing.

There was then all of the PEST and SWOT analysis's that we learnt which has been interesting, we used these in our business plan, along with all of the other things we learnt.

2// What approaches to/ methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I think that the main things that I actually designed through this module was the actual business plan and its folder and I also had a go at designing a brand identity for our business. This was all an important part of the business plan as everything had to work together even though we were all designing things seperately as a group. We did have disagreements as a group on the logo for our business but soon came to realise that it didnt matter who actually designed it as long as it communicated the right message. During this module I have also designed business cards and invoice designs for my dad who is a plasterer, this module made me think of aspects of his business card design that would effect the communication of his business.

My dad was really pleased with his business cards, and I just need to get them printed out now.

3// What strengths can you identify in your work and how will you capitalise on these?

I think that my main strength throughout this module would have been writing up the business plan for the group brief. I wrote it on my own and presented it in a creative way which engaged with our target audience. I think this has been helpful because it goes to show that a Graphic Designer can make boring things look interesting through design.

4// What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

My biggest downfall to begin with was working in a group of three. They say three is a crowd, and it was at the start. We found it hard to communicate with each other which lead to us all getting stressed and frustrated, which we then took out on one another and made the situation even worse. In the future during group briefs, I will set aside any differences I have and focus fully on the matter at hand which will be the brief. That is the most important thing I will take away from this module.

5// Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Be more punctual, I did miss one lecture when I shouldnt have.
2. Work harder when I am in a group, sometimes I find it frustrating when everyone is trying to do loads of different things. I need to stay focused and enjoy designing!
3. Generate more ideas: Every time I get an idea I should be jotting it down and I know I didnt always do this in this module. This will give me more choice when deciding on final outcomes and it also pushes me to think outside of the box.
4. Do more research, I feel like I did a lot during the business plan brief but not so much for the rest of the module. I will always benefit from researching as much as I can.
5. Engage more, at some points during this module I felt as though it were all pointless so I didnt engage as much as I could or should of. But this module has made me so excited for the future and what is possible!

Attendance: 3
Punctuality: 3
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 3
Quantity of work produced: 3
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group: 3