Wednesday, 25 May 2011

End of module self evaluation OUGD103...

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

One of the main skills that i have started to develop further because of this module, is experimenting and trying out new things. As it is the last module of the first year i felt that this was my last chance to really go all out and use methods i hadnt yet used. Things like screen printing for the Communication is a virus brief, i really enjoyed the process and the outcome, although it takes a long time it is so worth it. It is defiantly a skill that i want to keep progressing with into the second year. I feel like my confidence has grown too, i have really tried hard in this module and find i have more confidence in my designs and ideas, i am also starting to find an approach to Graphic Design that i really enjoy.

2. What approaches to/ methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

With the what is graphic design for? brief and communication is a virus, i did a fair amount of research but feel that i still havent grasped the importance of good research, with the speaking from experience brief i did a lot of primary research to try and solve my problem, i also did work on my design context blog looking at packaging design and survival kits that already existed, to give me inspiration and an idea  of what should go in my own.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/ will you capitalise on these?

Strengths that i think i have gained and improved on throughout this module, include experimenting more and trying harder. I know these are both things that i should have been doing anyway but i feel that i am really getting into it all now and i wanted to experiment with more methods and mediums than i had before. Things like screen printing, transfers, making stickers and designing packaging. These are now skills i can develop further in the second year. I am becoming a bit better at researching for briefs too which is a very important process, i wouldnt say that i still do enough but again this is something i can really push myself with when entering the next year. Another strength i think i have developed a lot would be time management, i have really tried to do work when i get it (apart from the what is Graphic Design for? brief, which i have left till the last few weeks). When i was asked by people if im on top of everything they seemed really surprised which then made me think i had missed something out or forgotten something important!

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

Even though i mentioned in my strengths that i was improving on research methods and gathering, i feel that it should be a weakness too as i still havent fully mastered research or the understanding of its importance. I think its good that we point out our weaknesses as it motivates you to do better next time.

5. Identify 5 things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- Research, research and research some more, i feel i really need to get it into my head that research is VERY important!

- I wont leave research briefs (what is graphic design for) till the last minute, this is a brief and a process that i should be doing all the time. Looking at other designers work for inspiration is very important, it will help me to learn what is good, bad and graphic design that i like and aspire to be like!

- Not panic! At the beginning of the module i was ill and missed out a lot of things in relation to the Opposites Live brief, i panicked thinking i would not catch up, but after speaking to my mum she said i could and would do it! I think really believing in myself is something i will do from now on!

- I think that when we worked as a group for the communication is a virus brief, it would have been good if we had worked just that bit harder as a group. I guess everyone finds group work hard because we all think differently but next time i would like to put more effort in.

- Listen to feedback more and respond to it, i wont lie sometimes i dont even take feedback into consideration because i feel i dont always need to. But sometimes your peers know better than you and the feedback is there to help you, its not them telling you your idea is crap!

6. How would you grade yourself on the following areas? 1= poor, 5= excellent

- Attendance: 5
- Punctuality: 4
- Motivation: 4.5
- Commitment: 5
- Quality of work produced: 4.5
- Quantity of work produced: 4.5
- Contribution to the group: 4


Additional comments:

Overall i have really enjoyed this whole module and feel i have put nearly 100% into it. I have learnt a lot about myself, like how i work, what i like and what i dont like. It has had its good bits and bad bits and its quite sad that its the last module of the year! Bring it on second year!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Speaking from crit...

- Problem analysis: Identification and evaluation of key issues relating to the brief including creative opportunities. Target audiences and appropriate contexts.


- Not effectively linked together through design, 2 different approaches.
- A lot of effort can be clearly sen, strayed away too much causing confusion.


Contextual understanding: Awareness of the creative and professional context for the work produced, informed by the critical analysis a range of appropriate contemporary creative practises and methods of distribution.


Understanding of the amount of ways you can approach one problem. Thought about promotional material. Scale it down. Needs something to tie it together, too much going on at once.


Research: Evidence of the ability to gather material from a breadth of sources using a range of diverse and inventive primary and secondary research methods appropriate to the brief.

Comments: No physical supporting evidence, would of liked to have seen how you got to this stage, there has been a small element conducted for the book.



- Overall a lot of effort, in approaching a range of methods and mediums.
- Clear amounts of design work/ lack of development, would like to see how the outcome was achieved.


I am fairly pleased with the feedback i received in the final crit, they appreciated the amount of work i had done, but didnt see the link. I think that my worked linked together through the colours and branding, the comment about too much was going on i didnt really understand, as the pack was supposed to have a range of things within it. Concerning my research, i have done a fair amount but didnt take it to the crit, but all my research can be seen on my blog.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Speaking from experience..first crit...

Crit feedback:

- i have a strong concept, which has the potential to work well.
- they don't see the relevance of the 10 small boxes that i wanted to make, this is because i wanted to make these purely because i wanted to do packaging design.
- packaging/ method of delivery needs to be thought about more and more original and relevant to my product.
- an idea was to create a survival pack for 1st year students, that they would receive within the first half hour of starting the course. It would be something that they could look at together in the group, kind of like an "ice breaker" pack.
- possibly having an item or object for each 'commandment' that is relevant and interactive.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Speaking from experience: time management...

Because this is the last brief of the year and i really want to do my best with it, i need to make sure i manage my time the best i can, so i can use my time effectively over the next 3 weeks.

Below is my plan of action, i will evaluate this plan each day and will do so honestly. I will then evaluate each week to make sure i have done enough work.

Plan of action:

/ tuesday 3rd may: 

- go into uni early to do some design work, experiment with logo designs and packaging- draft one.
- take photos ready to print out on the wednesday to trace. take at least 20 good photos tonight.

/ wednesday 4th may:

- go into uni to print photos and trace, edit on illustrator and see what i can come up with.
- print out concept boards in digital print and book slots for the next few weeks.
- research more for the brief

/ thursday 5th may:

- stay behind after uni to do work.
- make sure i have everything ready for first crit on friday.


Wednesday 11th May

Came into uni today to do work, i have a print slot at 6pm (digital print is so busy lately). Came in at 1pm and have been on the mac all day. i have a huge to do list, with things like:

- make hotdog book ready for print today
- print out name stickers
- print out pencil case
- print out packaging
- produce more designs
- start getting stuff ready for submission i.e opposites brief.

- update blog:
- all recent design work needs to be analysed and evaluated
- first crit needs to be written up

After doing a plan of action that i didnt really stick to i figured that i dont really function like that, but i still feel that i am getting everything done that i need to. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day and time is going so quickly!