Sunday 5 February 2012

Design for digital// Top 10: Final crit feedback..

What do I want to know about my work from the peer feedback crit?

1// Does the music of my sequences fit well with the moving image?

2// Am I making it clear what my Top 10 is?

3// Is there too much going on or does there need to be more going on?

Pair one:


- Music appropriate to tone of voice, light hearted.

- Strong character design, adaptable to many things.

- Clever use of transitions.

- Simple colour palette a definate strength along with textured background.

Areas for improvement//

- Timing too slow at times.

- Beginning typeface- sans serif, wrap around bucket.

- It is telling us what to do before we kick the bucket? Perhaps label.

- Perhaps give character a temporary foot to kick bucket.

- More depth of field regarding image, for instance use foreground, background, scenery. Perhaps use clouds, bubbles, rocks. Experiment with scale, would make it more believable.


- Beginning- give the character a shadow, makes it look more like its on the ground, rather than mid air.

- Perhaps centralise character and bucket.

- Aqua marine sound effects would communicate idea better.

Pair two:


- Strong storyboarding.

- Smooth water.

Areas for improvement//

- Music fits well but maybe incorporate sound effects to reflect different frames i.e fish scene.

- Bucket should fall of screen quickly rather than just fading out of shot.

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